2023 SHOC Financial Update

Hi SHOC! We have our first financial update for you. This is the same information that was presented on Sunday, September 17th, so if you missed it or wanted a closer look at the information, here it is. Our goal here is to report out the metrics we believe matter most. If you are interested in more of a deep dive, please contact our team at shocchurch@gmail.com to learn more.

First, we introduced our Board and Guidance teams for the first time. Our Board handles everything budget, pastor/leader accountability, and are the people you want to go to if you don’t feel comfortable telling Pastors Gabe or Donna. Our Board uses the Harm Criteria outlined in our Statement of Faith to deal with any accountability issues brought up. You can read about our Board Members in our About Us.

Our Guidance team is what it sounds like. This team (10-15 representatives) represents the full spectrum of folks at SHOC by providing “guidance” on important day-to-day decisions for our new church. Gabe and Donna then take the team’s feedback and apply their guidance to the many decisions needed to be made at SHOC. Most, if not all, of the feedback provided by guidance team is applied. This team rotates in and out every four months due everyone’s changing schedules and capacities, with many members staying on for more than one season.